Ok, I've been dying to blog about this and I can't wait any longer! Area 10 is getting an office space at 2820 W. Cary Street, starting in June. This is exciting because we will have a presence right on Cary Street 3 doors down from the Byrd.
But here's the best part! We are starting a business in the downstairs portion of the building. It will be a kids indoor play place called Cartwheels and Coffee. It will have indoor play equipment for kids and lattes and coffee for adults.
I am so excited about this! There is no business like it in the city of Richmond. In the suburbs, there are similar things, but none in the city. There is some buzz already in the air in the mommy network. Several mommies have already told us they'll be there everyday!
Why is our church starting a business? Well the truth is, we need the space for kids classes on Sunday mornings for church at the Byrd. Since we need the space, why not do a great business in there that also that serves the need in the community? It seemed like a no brainer to us.
We have hired a terrific managing partner for the business. I'll introduce her in an another post.
God is dropping sweet stuff in our lap! I never knew this whole church planting process was going to be this much fun.
To look at the site we have up for cartwheels and coffee- look here.