Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Byrd's Eye View

Here is the inside of the Byrd Theatre.  It's a gorgeous building that this picture doesn't quite do justice to.  I am praying already for the people who will fill these seats.



WoW dude, that's an amazing looking place! Rock on my brother!



Anonymous said...

Chris is right about the picture not doing the theater justice. You can't really see the mini-orchestra pits in the walls where the harpist and pianist sat. It is the most amazing theater, with on organ rising out of the floor(from the days of the silent pictures). I love the chandeliers. it is truly historic. being responsible for such a space for even a short time a day is a little intimidating but it adds to the excitement. the seats will be a little disappointing to those that are used to plush stadium seating with cup holders but everyone in the Fan is used to the Byrd and it's varied charms. tracy