Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Area 10 has one of those cool web site things...

Well now we are on the web for all the world to see us. Check it out here. I love the look Laura "the great" put on the web page. Can anyone tell me where the three photos in the collage on the front page are taken from? The web page is just a start. We will be fleshing it out over the next few weeks. Let me know what you think.



Love the Look!

Not sure how to navigate through it yet, it keeps taking me back to the main page, but like ya said, more to come!


Anonymous said...

It only has a main page so far... It has the rollover buttons on the side, but the bottom buttons aren't functional yet.

Anonymous said...

I like the new website and the new logo. :)

Jason said...

i like the site. the new buttons at teh bottom have a couple of spacing glitches, but I'm sure you'll figure it out.

If you need help with any of that, give me a shout brotha.